
Thursday, May 22, 2008


I’m going to give away secrets of how you can set up your own hugely profitable affiliate program.

First A Quick Side Note For anyone who's new to internet marketing: An affiliate program is where a product owner allows others to recommend his or her product or service, and then pays them a percentage ofany sales generated.
– End Side Note –
If you haven’t got your own affiliate program set up
already this is going to blow your mind.
And if you have I can guarantee that this willbe a real eye opener.
The majority of affiliate program owners have itset up in a way that is completely wrong.
Affiliate Program Options I Recommend:
First up is Paydotcom.

This for me is a great and simple option.
You get paid straight into your paypal accountand can then use the paypal “mass pay” options to pay your affiliates simply.

Next up is Clickbank
This is for downloadable products only, such asebooks, software etc.
The advantage of Clickbank is they are a well respected company and will track and pay your affiliates for you.
This makes things hands off and also gets pastany issues of trust where marketers don’t know if you’ll definitely pay them or not.

And finally: 1shoppingcart.
This is the ultimate all in one solution.
Whilst more expensive than Clickbank it includes autoresponders and much more tomake your business as professional as possible.
Each of the above have different benefits. Take a look at each one and see which suits you and your business needs the best.

*************************Affiliate Program Secrets*************************

Encourage People To Sign Up

Here’s where most people go wrong. They set upan affiliate program and have a link that says

“click here to sign up” and then that’s it.

You need to sell your affiliate program.

Have a mini sales letter that explains thebenefit of people signing up.
Tell them their commissions and how they canearn a living without ever having to create a product or have a web site just bypromoting your products.
Provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials
Here’s another big one. Site owners get peopleto sign up their affiliate program and then just leave them to it.

It’s like they’re saying “thanks for signing up, now go and make me some cash”.
That’s ridiculous.

You need to do all the hard work for youraffiliates if you want to start earning the big bucks.
Provide your affiliate with email promotions,articles, press releases, pay per click ads,banners and whatever else you ca that will enable people to promote your site to the masses with as little work as possible.

Here’s the thing. You could write an article andsubmit it to article directories all over the internet and do very well for yourself.
However if you just had one hundred affiliatesblasting that article all over the net you’ve just multiplied your marketing power byone hundred.
This is the key to making massive mounts online.

If you can’t write articles etc yourself hiresomeone to do so from but do provide your affiliates with marketingmaterials or your just setting yourself up for having a very mediocre internet business
Have An Affiliate Only Newsletter
Here’s a million dollar tip.

Capture your affiliates name and email address and have a list of only your affiliates.
You can then send them tips on how theycan market your products and make the mostcommissions possible.

Inform them of new products you’ve just launchedor new marketing materials you’ve just added to your affiliates area.

Another great method you can use with this ishave 'affiliate completions'.
Over a set period of time your affiliate whoearns the most get’s an extra bonus - it could be
extra cash or a really cool prize.

Mention the winner in your affiliate newsletterand say things like “who thinks they can overtake Joe Bloggs as being my top affiliate?

Come on guys I know I’ve got some great marketers signed up as my affiliates prove it and I’ll mention you in next weeks newsletter”.
This is great.

Psychologically you are motivating youraffiliates to promote your products like crazy to get recognition as being your “top gun”.
Often ego trips are just as motivating as money.
Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits.
We've looked at what you need to do in order to earn serious aliving online through having your own affiliate program.

Done properly this could earn you more moneythan you could ever have dreamed of.
The methods in this weeks newsletter outlinewhat you need to do to in order to overcome the three barriers of starting an affiliateprogram.

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